Want to see real time transformations from actual customers? Check out our hashtags on instagram #jennamyersfit and #liftheavylivefully to see the girls on the team!

Working with Jenna completely changed my mindset about not only fitness, but my life in general. Jenna is such a sweet, genuine and caring person, and her continuous friendship and support has been transforming for me. Jenna introduced me to lifting, which I was terrified of in the beginning, and lifting has taught me so much about myself. It’s an amazing feeling doing something for yourself, watching yourself grow, visually SEEING your progress, SEEING your accomplishments right in front of you, and doing it for YOUR OWN HAPPINESS. I always wanted to be skinny to be accepted by other people, but now I just want to be strong for myself. I do this for me. THAT feeling is amazing. I know I can accomplish things now. I know I can do hard things. I know that I can do whatever I set my mind to. I know I can do new things and do them well. I know that I can put in hard work and see good things come out of that. Lifting has taught me so much about myself, so much about life, so much about people.. I can barely find the words, honestly.
All I can really say is if you want to know if this is worth it, it is. Jenna is one of a kind. I just wish I had found her sooner.”
– @amz_warrior

In July I started keeping up w my macros and flexible dieting. Which has changed my life and how I look at “dieting”. In August we started my workout plan and that’s when things started clicking. My booty was getting sculpted my back started building muscle, and everyone kept asking if I was preparing for a show. Doing her workouts following the plan and trusting the process has transformed my body and my mind in how I see food, and lifting.
With this experience I’ve investing in it has set me up for better fitness life. It has open doors I never dreamed I’d walk down but Jenna has boosted my self confidence in this crazy fitness world and I’m forever grateful.

I found Jenna on Instagram, followed her immediately and instantly fell in love with the person she was and what she stood for. I reached out to Jenna in hopes for guidance and help with my nutrition. I had it all wrong, I rarely ate, would binge eat, and truthfully was afraid of food. In addition to the nutrition help, I did a 5 week custom workout plan with Jenna. Right away Jenna made me feel confident, comfortable, and supported. From quick email responses, the quick and immediate start to the program, and the constant encouragement from Jenna, I knew this was where I was meant to end up.
Not only was Jenna always there for me, the support system of girls on her team was and continues to always be there for me as well. We are a family that supports, loves, and encourages everyone through everything, no matter what. I struggled immensely with body imagine issues and knew I needed to bring that to Jenna’s attention. She never once judged me, she never once made me feel worse about myself, she loved me through it and continued to push me. Through the journey and the process, I struggled, I evolved, and ultimately changed for the better. I love everything about myself and my life now. I used to think all that mattered was my body and what it looked like, but Jenna helped me find balance.
I have realized there is so much more to life than fitness. Yes, it is important and will always remain a priority in my life, but it is not the controller of my life, like it used to be. I owe all of my success and all of my growth to this incredible woman. I have struggled a lot throughout my life with personal obstacles and coming to Jenna was the best decision I have ever made. She is knowledgable, her programs are challenging yet rewarding, and she is so incredibly selfless. She wants you to succeed, she wants you to look and feel your best, but ultimately, she wants you to feel like you have control over your life.
Thank you Jenna for being my coach, my therapist, my friend, but most importantly the one who saved me from so much hurt, pain, and struggle. You can not go wrong working with Jenna because she will empower you. I’ve grown to become the person I’ve always wanted to be but never thought I would be, all because of Jenna. Put yourself first and work with Jenna, it will change your life, just like it has changed mine.
Lift heavy, live fully…. Forever
“Before training with Jenna, I was intimidated by all of the workout machines at the gym. I had no idea how to use almost everything. I expressed my concern to her and she took the time to send me clips of her using/adjusting the machines. Because of her I gained the confidence I needed in the gym, and I also gained a booty!!! Thanks Jenna”
– @angmarfit
“Working with Jenna these past few weeks has been nothing short of awesome! I bundled TLMV3 with 8 weeks worth of Nutrition guidance and I got exactly the results I was looking for!
The abs are making an appearance now, and my glutes are definitely lifted and more toned. Jenna is so motivating and was always available to answer any questions I had. My favorite part about working with Jenna, however, was learning how to BALANCE my life.I took a trip in the middle of the program and she guided me on how to stay on track, gave me home workouts, but also told me that its OKAY to enjoy foods and to experience new things, because life is about LIVING and you should enjoy every second of it.
Physically and mentally, I am so happy with the progress I’ve made with Jenna, and I would recommend working with her to anyone and everyone.”
– @dcharrelson
“I’ve been working on my fitness journey with Jenna for about a year on and off! She has helped me not only make changes in my body but also in my self confidence, she is one of the most supportive people I’ve had the pleasure of work with! Back in January I had just received a new plan and was eager to start and just 3 short days after started I was hospitalized due to a injury and Jenna was so caring and supportive through my time in the hospital. I was out of the gym for a month so basically my whole plan, she was so encouraging of me to take is slow when I was finally cleared back to the gym.
I had many struggles getting back in and feeling defeated almost everyday cause I had lost so much of what I worked so hard for and Jenna was there every step of the way to push me and made me realize slow progress is still progress! I can’t thank her enough for all she has done for me!”
– @brittsull
“When I first reached out to Jenna, I tried IIFYM on my own, and boy did I have it all wrong. I had the biggest fear of carbs and didn’t think I could lift heavy. I was killing myself with two a days and endless amounts of cardio. Jenna constantly reassured me that I didn’t need all that cardio to shed fat and see results. She slowly (and patiently) bumped up my carb intake until I was comfortable. Not only did I gain a friendship, I gained a whole new sense of self love and self confidence. My body as well as my outlook on health and fitness did a complete 360 and I couldn’t be happier!”
– @emdemary
“I came to Jenna wanting to gain muscle and strength in the gym after I felt I had hit a standstill. I had been tracking macros for about a year and was no stranger to the weights at this point, but I wanted further guidance to complete the reverse diet/bulk I had in mind and to improve my gym performance. When we started my program, I weighed 148 lbs, was eating about 1880 calories a day, and my lifts were all over the place. Today, just about 5 months later, I weighed in at 148.2 lbs, I’m eating 2538 calories a day, and I am stronger than ever in the gym! It’s so easy to work with someone when they’re as personable, knowledgeable, and responsive as Jenna. I’ve put my full confidence in her during our time together and it is truly paying off. Physically, I’m slightly leaner than I was in January but I can lift so much more than when we started and we’ve put on some serious muscle! I’m putting up heavier weights every time I walk into the gym and there’s no better feeling than that. I can’t wait to see the work we’ve accomplished during this lean bulk/reverse when I start cutting! Mentally, I have finally come to a place where I have a healthy relationship with food and also to a place where I absolutely love my body. I can’t wait to continue working with Jenna and see what we can accomplish together!”
– @megz_lifts
“After 3 years of working towards a healthier lifestyle on my own, I hit a plateau… I was exercising 5-6 days a week and tracking my food, but I wasn’t making any significant progress, which led me to question myself and doubt my hard work. I reached out to Jenna (after binge watching her YouTube channel) with the goal of losing fat while maintaining muscle. Within the first 2 weeks of I was already seeing changes and finally making progress again! She created a workout plan customized to my fitness level, and provided me a set macros to begin with and great information about tracking macros. She also included a list of macro friendly foods with her personal preferences highlighted as well.
Working together with Jenna on my fitness journey was the best decision I have made for myself- she is personable, supportive and has motivated me to continue to educate myself. The most valuable piece of information I took away from Jenna, is remembering that a healthy AND happy life is all about balance without guilt. “There is a time and a place for that [tracing macros/getting to the gym] and there is a time and a place for eating some damn good food and spending time with your loved ones, even if that means skipping the gym.”
– @thebrandibrand_bybrandi
“I reached out to Jenna because I felt hopeless when it came to my workouts and I needed a change. I was very unhappy and she helped me through a really tough time of body image for me! I looked forward to working out everyday because of her workouts and I fell in love all over again with the lifestyle. She helped me find a balance and she pushed me to be a better me! I can’t thank her enough for all she has done for me in just 10 weeks. Thank you Jenna, you’re amazing! ”
– @alibauer
“I chose Jenna as an online trainer in January and I’m ever so thankful I did! I had her create a personalized 8 week workout for me, then completed TLMV3, and used her nutritional/macro guidance as well. My progress I made with her is definitely the most I’ve made in my fitness journey.
I started my fitness journey about a year ago but had fallen off the wagon at the end of last year and really needed someone to help get me back on track, and get me excited about the gym again. I’ve had other online trainers in the past but honestly no one compares to Jenna. She is so positive, encouraging, and really cares about her clients. And she knows what she’s doing! I can absolutely say her workouts are the most challenging I’ve done but that’s what I needed. I learned a lot of new exercises I wasn’t familiar with, but her guide makes it easy to understand how to complete each one. She made me love the gym again 🙂
She is really thorough and quick to respond to your questions or check ins, and is the most awesome support to have. I got off track a few times but every time she got me right back on and didn’t make me feel bad about anything, instead was just like “hey it happens.” She helped me find a balance between living life but enjoying being healthy and fit. You can tell Jenna sincerely loves what she does and if you’re considering having her help you in your fitness journey just do it! I’m always a work in progress but now have the knowledge and drive to get to where I want to be thanks to her 🙂
Pictures on the left are right when I started with Jenna, pics on right are when I finished her 8 week plan! ”
– @marybeth.hurd
“Hello fellow fitness lovers! My name is Kait, and I am 21 years old, from a small town in Ontario, Canada. I got into working out and going to the gym about 2 years ago when I started college. Before that I was mostly doing cardio and working out in my basement. Since then I have always followed different fitness accounts, but one day I came across Jenna’s instagram page, and before I even knew who she was and what she had to offer I was intrigued by her passion, transformations, and over all drive to be the best she can be day in and day out. I followed her for a few months, until the day she advertised her first “train like me”, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to train with one of the many ladies I look up to on social media.
Yes, I have worked with other trainers, but none have compared to Jenna Myers let me tell you! I feel like I didn’t just gain a trainer, but also a friend. Someone who is always there when you need them, and who takes the time to get to know you and your strengths, weaknesses, likes, and dislikes; she really truly cares about you as an individual. One thing I really admire about Jenna is how real she is. Getting to know her and working with her one on one through email on a weekly basis has proven to me that she is the real deal. She lives a busy life just like the rest of us, while still making time to do what she loves, and helping other girls do the same. It is the most inspirational thing to work with someone with such a passion and such a huge heart. She builds you up, makes you believe in yourself, and helps you reach your goals whatever they might be. I decided I wanted to do my first real bulk with the guidance of her, because I trust her and because hers was looking so damn good on her. It was a tough process for sure, but having someone so understanding of the struggles and feelings that are associated with being outside of your comfort zone made it a lot easier. I have never been unhappy with how I look, but everyone hits that wall sometimes, and I definitely did, no doubt about it. Since working with Jenna, I can honestly say I have never felt better about myself. I am more confident, in and out of the gym, I am happier with my life in so many ways and I just feel comfortable in my own skin again. She has definitely changed my life, and opened my eyes to what I didn’t know I could achieve on my own. Without her guidance and motivation I probably would never have pushed myself as hard as I did, or be where I am today. Working with someone like her has helped me grow both physically and mentally, working towards making her proud as my trainer and making myself proud, because as Jenna has helped me realize, you ultimately need to be your own motivation.”
– @kaitgoods
“I found Jenna stumbling through Instagram much like you probably did. I immediately got in contact with her because I wanted help in the gym. I was going to the gym everyday, but wanted someone who knew what they were doing to basically tell me what to do. Jenna worked with me and developed two workout plans that I followed for a couple months. She calculated my maintenance and cutting macros, which have worked for me and I still follow them to this day. I also still incorporate my favorite exercises Jenna taught me in my every day gym routines.
Besides the fitness aspect, Jenna helped me break out of my shell in the fitness world. She taught me to not care what anyone thinks about you when you’re in the gym. She taught me to reach out and make friends with like-minded individuals. I owe much of my strength and outgoing personality to Jenna. She is a down to earth and relate-able woman, which makes her that much more of a genuine person you can rely on.”
– @heatherr_20
“Jenna Myers is one of the most incredible people I know. Jenna has been helping me with my healthy lifestyle change since January, she not only helps me with diet and exercise but through her social media she has taught me that numbers don’t matter, you have to be your own motivation, there is no end goal in fitness there is just a bunch of small goals to reach along the way, and that you have to love yourself. The picture on the left is May 2014 6lbs LESS than the one on the right May 2016. I always wanted to be skinny I would do any unhealthy way to achieve it, I thought woman who lifted were only in it to body build and compete until Jenna. I immediately reached out and she has been the most amazing and inspiring coach I could’ve asked for. She doesn’t make you better she helps you make yourself better! Thank you so so much Jenna can’t wait to see where I’m at in 2 more years!”
– @ameetoplease
“Honestly, at first when I found out Jenna wasn’t in the same country with me, I was a little worried that things wouldn’t work out that well. But I still decided to do her 5 week training, she gave me a 5 week workout plan, grocery list and customized macros. I lost 5 pounds, a few inches everywhere that I wanted to and went down a size in jeans in just over a month, and I was honestly so impressed with how things went!
Having clients in different cities, states/provinces and country can’t be easy! But Jenna seriously was great! If I had any questions I’d hear back from her in the same day, check in’s she always made you feel great about your progress even if you think it’s barely anything. I am so happy that I had her as a coach. Thanks Jenna!! ”
– @ashtyntrudeau

“I started working with Jenna at the end of March with a 5 week nutrition and training program. I had gained 50 pounds in the 5 years of being with my now fiancĂ©. After we got engaged, I knew I needed to make a change so I could be comfortable in my body again. I knew now was time. That is when I found Jenna, and it’s changed me in a multitude of ways!In the 5 weeks that I began working with her I lost 7 pounds and 6 inches. As happy as I am with those results I don’t feel like that fully describes how much I’ve changed in 5 weeks. After I had gained weight I became very self-conscious. The gym it was something I dreaded, and when I did make it to the gym I didn’t dream of venturing into the weight room. The cardio section was the only place I visited. Now, I feel confident, I love going to the gym and I am proud to be holding my own in the weight room with everyone else. I do not think this would have happened without Jenna as my coach. She is so responsive and I feel like she genuinely cares about me and my progress. This isn’t something that my other friends who have virtual coaches have experienced and was a huge motivator for me. I just started my new 10 week plan and can’t wait to see the goals I will reach continuing with Jenna as my coach. “- @Sabrina_Fitlife
“When I found Jenna on Instagram I had completed two online training programs previously but I felt like I needed a more individual coach so her 8-week personalized training program was exactly what I was looking for! Jenna completely customized the plan and included a DETAILED (pictures and description) workout split for me (30+ pages!). I really appreciated the time and effort she clearly put into making the plan and by the end I had gained muscle, increased my endurance, and felt like I really achieved my goal of a lean bulk. Jenna was available via email but also through text which was awesome for those moments when you’re in the gym and have a question or need some encouragement. I also completed Jenna’s Train Like Me plan after this because I saw so much progress with her workouts. I would recommend Jenna as a coach to everyone, at all different fitness levels. Her support through email and social media really shows she cares. She dedicates a lot of time to her clients and the personal connection she has with us is invaluable. ”
– @sarah.e.fit
“I first approached Jenna while coming out of a misguided conceptions of eating even though I had been following macros for about a year prior to approaching her. She guided me through my bulk and did not only give me all the nutritional advice and more that I needed but also, more importantly (personally) moral support. Jenna was always there to talk me out of my moments not wanting to continue and always reminding me to trust the process. She is currently guiding me through my cut and even when I have absorbed all her knowledge that she can give me, I do not see a day I will not be working with her. She has made me so excited to be a part of such an amazing community of women with an even better coach. I am a firm believer for everything Jenna promotes since all she wants is for her girls to be happy and she is truthfully the best coach I could as for.”
– @daramullin

– @caseylynnpurcell
“Hey, my names Alex and I followed Jenna for a while on Instagram and watched her vlogs before contacting her about online coaching. I had two plans with her and the results were amazing, exercises were well thought out and explained. She checked what equipment I had available and also tailor made the second plan to help me achieve some personal goals.
I also believe the nutrition advice I received was so important and really contributed to my fat loss and strength gain.
However the absolute best thing about my plans from Jenna was – well Jenna. The girl was always at the other end of an email, I’m from the UK and even with the time difference etc I always got a reply even for the silliest queries or requests, she always made me feel empowered and boasted me through things.
My journey continues and I know I wouldn’t be doing half as well had I not contacted Jenna, thank you so much for the boost and being there for support when things got tough ”
– alex
“I approached Jenna about 3 years into my fitness journey because I hit a plateau and couldn’t for the life of me understand macros. Jenna shows that she has treat meals, and days off from the gym and can be fully committed to achieving her goals at the same time. I feel like I can really relate to her because she’s so realistic. She changed my mind set and made me realize I was being so hard on myself I wasn’t enjoying the process anymore. She got me out of my plateau by showing me eating more is better and changing up routines is important!”
– @mikialalivingston
“Working with Jenna not only helped me with physical accomplishments, but also mental setbacks. Jenna customized my plan to my specific needs, goals, and limitations. She was always there to answer all of my questions and motivate me to step outside my comfort zone. She is an incredible role model to everyone in the fitness community and such an empowering voice to healthy, strong women!”
– @apjoubert
“I first started following Jenna on instagram before she started her fitness page; we grew up in the same town. I began following her fitness instagram when she started it. I was feeling lost in my workouts and nutrition. I plateaued and was so bored at the gym mostly doing cardio and core because that’s all I knew. I contacted Jenna when she offered training programs and felt comfortable with her since I knew she was a real person! With so much out there on the internet, you never know! She made everything so easy to follow and was very organized! This was key with my lack of experience at the gym and misconceptions of weight lifting! She gave me so much motivation and courage to step out of my gym comfort zone and try new workouts. I used to be so intimidated to use the weight section, as its typically the “guy side” of the gym but now it’s second nature and I love lifting and can’t believe I waited this long to start! Jenna is honest and dedicated! I would recommend her to anyone beginning or advanced! ”
– @amorriseau88
“I want to thank you Jenna for helping me to lose weight without any crazy diet, so far the only “diet” i can stick to! I cannot say how much you helped me, you were always there to answer my questions and to keep me on track! Thats what i have been looking in for a coach! You are seriously the best coach anyone could ask for. And for those unsure of this method, believe me it work.. And its super easy once you get the hang of it! I’ll continue having you has my personal coach! Thanks for everything”
– @alexestl93
” I came along Jenna Myers instagram page about a year ago and was immediately inspired by her. It took me a little to work up the nerve to email her, but I am so glad I did! Jenna got back to me right away and was so easy to talk with about my wants and needs in my fitness journey. She came up with a plan that has challenged me and was exactly what I needed at this time . I was beginning to become uninspired and wasn’t breaking a sweat during my workouts anymore. That has definitely changed since starting Jenna’s plan . I walk out of the gym everyday feeling inspired and dripping from head to toe in sweat. Jenna not only has been an awesome trainer but also someone I’ve come to know as a friend. I see a lot of people in the fitness world looking for clients to make a quick buck, but that is complete opposite of Jenna. She truly is concerned about your overall well being. I have done things since starting her plan that I told myself I couldn’t do like squatting 40 pounds over my body weight ! She has pushed me both mentally and physically and I could not be happier with where I am at currently. I plan to continue to look to Jenna to further my fitness journey. I couldn’t imagine working with anyone else 🙂 ”
– @jennacolyer
“Jenna came into my life and absolutely transformed it. Not just physically but mentally. I’ve always struggled with food and she showed me to not be afraid of it and that it will help me not hurt me. It was so amazing to see someone that didn’t know anything about me, take their time to really help me. She listens to what you want and caters to your needs. She also replies back to you as quick as possible, which I find super crucial. I’m so glad I found Jenna when I did because now I can continue my fitness journey the right and healthy way. Thank you jenna; for everything.”
– @lilred_fitness
– Theresa Plant